The Green Bike Project took part in what was the first of its kind in Ipswich. Our project, which refurbishes second hand bikes in Ipswich, tried its hand at something different. That was a Cycle Swap Shop where people could come in with their older bikes and swap it for a refurbished one that had been transformed by our service users. We set up shop at Castle Hill Primary School who were kind enough to partner with us in delivering this service. Castle Hill gave us the perfect location to make this Cycle Swap Shop a great success. The school arranged for all children and families to be informed of this swap taking place so they could take full advantage of this opportunity. The most in need children would benefit from this community project- as if they could not afford new bikes that fit they could get it for free. Children with bikes that had been gathering dust in their sheds for a long time could be brought to this Cycle Swap and our service users and instructors would administer the bike repair Ipswich that was needed.
None of this would have been possible without the help and dedication of local councillor Sam Murray, who brought the idea to fruition. Councillor Murray picked us because of our expertise in providing second hand bikes in Ipswich
She has been in support of encouraging children and all people in her constituency to cycle more. The health benefits and skills that are learnt when children bike to school are many. What was paramount in her drive to encourage more cycling was breaking down the barriers that stop children from using their bikes. The biggest being the cost of buying them. Unfortunately, some children have economic barriers from this healthy and fun way of transport.
The Green Bike Project was happy to be part of the drive to take down these barriers for in need children. It is important that as a charity that provides second bikes in Ipswich, we use this experience to help our communities as much as possible. The more we get involved the better. To see the happy smiling faces of the children receiving their swapped bikes or having their bikes repaired for them was lovely to see. The interaction that service users had with the public was very beneficial to their wellbeing. As they got to be a part of something bigger than themselves and saw how essential they were in helping others. We cannot wait for the next cycle swap where we can provide bike repair Ipswich based second hand bikes in Ipswich.